seasonal wellness coaching


Every spring, Nature dazzles us with color and song. A radiant flourishing born from winter’s dark alchemy. Beneath the earth heavy with rain and dew, flowers ready themselves to burst into bloom.

Like our sweet friends the flowers, we too need to clear a heaviness in order to greet a kinder sun and gently unfold into this season of rebirth. Let us throw open those windows, invite the fresh air in, and welcome a new season of growth.

If you’re ready to revitalize your mind, body, and spirit this spring, schedule a 90-minute wellness consultation.

In this seasonal tune up, I’ll guide you through a holistic assessment of your mind-body system and the signals it’s sending you regarding your state of physical, mental, and emotional balance. We’ll then unpack your habits and routines to identify simple adjustments that can support your personal wellness goals. With the wisdom of Ayurveda as our guide, we’ll help you realign with your well-being to find self-sustaining joy, purpose, and vitality.

So what is a holistic wellness coaching session?

An individual coaching session with me is only $7—the price of a 12oz latte plus tip at my local coffee shop. You treat me to a coffee, and I’ll help you discover more aligned ways of being. If after our session you want to compensate me further, you’re welcome to contribute whatever you feel is fair and reasonable.